Log Management and Analytics

Explore the full capabilities of Log Management and Analytics powered by SolarWinds Loggly

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Infrastructure Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Instant visibility into servers, virtual hosts, and containerized environments

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Application Performance Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Comprehensive, full-stack visibility, and troubleshooting

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Digital Experience Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds Pingdom

Make your websites faster and more reliable with easy-to-use web performance and digital experience monitoring

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Why is log management a hassle for most companies?

Aggregating logs in a distributed environment

A large volume of disparate logs from concurrently executing processes, applications, servers, and resources can throttle the logging process. Finding a scalable setup for managing logs in this complex environment is challenging.

Analyzing massive log volumes

As logs increase in volume, their analysis becomes difficult and can impede audits, application troubleshooting, and business intelligence. Traditional log managers are not equipped to handle massive workloads and can slow down troubleshooting.

Implementing multiple open-source tools

Configuring different open-source tools for log search, analysis, and visualization can be a daunting task for teams. Absence of end-to-end log monitoring tools can add to the complexity, particularly when scaling up.

Streamline your log management with a cloud-based service

SolarWinds® Loggly® lets you scale with ease. Loggly centralizes all your logs to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. You don’t need separate a syslog manager, cloud log manager, or other tools for log monitoring and analysis.

With a minimal configuration to get started, Loggly lets you aggregate a wide range of unstructured and structured logs easily. You can configure your systems to send various types of text-based logs to Loggly using Syslog (TCP, UDP, TLS) or HTTP/S. You can also refer to simple scripts in Loggly’s documentation for transmitting logs. As Loggly streamlines log management and analytics, you can focus on your work and troubleshoot issues faster.

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Loggly search

Get quick root cause analysis and search functionalities

Loggly helps you troubleshoot and diagnose your application and infrastructure issues with logs. With advanced features, it lets you search through a massive volume of logs and reduces your time to response and helps you to quickly recover from incidents. It offers automated parsing functionality for several data types, including Apache, Nginx, JSON, and more.

As your logs are parsed into various fields, you can easily extract useful information and perform advanced statistical analysis. You can also define custom parsing rules as per your requirement. All your parsed logs are automatically updated in the dynamic field explorer, which provides a guided search experience and lets you browse through the logs without relying on any trial-and-error searches.

Leverage multiple integrations for easy collaboration

Loggly eliminates the need to configure multiple tools for monitoring logs and offers advanced visualization and multiple integrations for easy collaboration. It lets you visualize and monitor event logs in real time to give you the near-instantaneous insights for effective troubleshooting.

You can use pre-configured dashboards collaboratively with your team to analyze metrics from Java, PHP, Python, Windows, Linux, Amazon CloudTrail, and more. You can configure alerts and receive them over popular services like Slack and PagerDuty. Loggly also integrates with GitHub and Jira, which can significantly accelerate your operational routines.

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