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5 Loggly values that resonated with the AWS re:Invent audience

By Desmond Chan 05 Dec 2017

This year’s AWS re:Invent was a huge success by any measure. The AWS team made so many announcements and this underscores its ongoing commitment to making every day “Day One.” Loggly’s participation, including a speaking session and booth presence, sparked many amazing conversations and connections. AWS re:Invent 2017 definitely finished on a high note for us.

A highlight for us was showcasing our Loggly 3.0 release at the booth. This release connects the dots end to end for DevOps teams to troubleshoot operational issues and keep applications and infrastructure up and running smoothly.

In my conversations at our booth, I discovered that many of Loggly’s core values really resonated with the AWS re:Invent audience. Here are five that stuck with me:

1. Easy deployment

Loggly’s agentless architecture makes deployment so much easier. This means you don’t need to maintain an extra piece of software on the system being monitored by Loggly. Loggly customers upload logs using either syslog (TCP, UDP, TLS) or HTTP/S. Syslog is the most common means. You can also upload logs from a variety of log sources including rsyslog, NXLog, JavaScript, JSON, Fluentd, Docker, and more. In many cases, we have simple scripts available that get you running in one copy & paste command.

2. Link directly to source code

Loggly is the first to link exception logs to source code in one click. Our GitHub integration attracted a lot of attention at re:Invent. The reactions we got were spectacular. The audience really liked the fact that Loggly minimizes the effort to show the code that caused the exceptions in Java, Python, and C#. Not only that, users can very easily file a Jira ticket from within Loggly. This simplifies and streamlines the DevOps process.

3. Auto-parse and easy navigation

Loggly automatically parses and indexes logs upon ingestion. Our Dynamic Field Explorer automatically structures and summarizes your data so that you can easily find what matters to you in the logs without having to know any complex query language.

4. Easy drill-down from monitoring to log analysis

Loggly 3.0 offers more advanced charting and dashboarding capabilities. You can easily spot anomalies by comparing trends in different time frames. Also, from a dashboard showing trends in log data and metrics, you can easily click on a spike and drill down into the logs to find out the root causes.

5. Aggregate all your AWS logs

Loggly serves as a central repository for all of your logs. Loggly can aggregate all the logs and metrics from AWS services, such as:

  • Amazon CloudFront
  • Amazon CloudTrail
  • Amazon CloudWatch
  • Amazon Config
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon ELB
  • Amazon SNS
  • And more…

Having all AWS logs in one place gives you a holistic view of what’s going on in your AWS services, enabling you to quickly solve problems as they arise.

Looking forward to AWS re:Invent 2018

Loggly connects the dots for our customers in their DevOps practices. We couldn’t be happier that these values we hold near and dear were well received by the AWS audience, and we look forward to continuing the conversation with you. In this next year, we will continue to live by our promise to simplify your DevOps process and troubleshooting practices. Stay tuned for more exciting product announcements from Loggly!

The Loggly and SolarWinds trademarks, service marks, and logos are the exclusive property of SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Desmond Chan

Desmond Chan Desmond Chan is a Senior Director of Product Marketing at Loggly. He started his career in software engineering. With a passion for technology business, he transitioned to product management, and most recently product marketing. His expertise is in the areas of DevOps, big data management, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Desmond holds degrees in Computer Science and Business Administration.