Most popular programming languages in GitHub
Programming languages are not simply the tools that developers use to create programs or express algorithms. They’re also instruments to code and decode creativity. By observing the history of programming languages, we gain a unique perspective on our quest to find better ways to solve problems, facilitate collaboration, build great products, and reuse the efforts of others.
About 70% of our customers send application logs to our service, so Loggly is interested in tracking which are the most popular programming languages and which ones are gaining traction among developers.
Based on the historical GitHub Archive and GitHut data starting in 2012, we analyzed the most common developer actions within GitHub and turned it into the infographic you see below. We looked at:
- The number of active repositories, a useful proxy for the projects that people are working on right now.
- The total number of pushes per language as well as the average number of pushes per repository. These metrics are indicators of the rate of innovation occurring with projects being written in a particular language.
- New forks and open issues per repository, which also show active use and innovation.
- New watchers per repository, an indicator of developer interest.
Check out the infographic and let us know what you think! How does your programming language of choice fare among your peers?
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Justin Mares