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What is the best college for computer science?

By Justin Mares 02 Apr 2015

Loggly has hired a whole bunch of top-tier developers and engineers over the last few years. (If you are interested, be sure to check out the open jobs!)

The engineering team hails from all corners of the earth and brings a pretty diverse background to our work and to evaluating candidates. Like many data-driven organizations, the Loggly team has plenty of debates about what qualities make for the best hires. Is it breadth or depth? Is it going to the best university or having the most relevant experience at the school of hard knocks? The fact that job seekers are often looking for feedback on how their alma maters “rank” in potential employers’ eyes can add fuel to this fire. There’s no single answer here. But since Loggly team members love data, we went out to get the facts and to share with you.

My team put together an infographic (below) after digging through LinkedIn, PayScale, and US News to discover:

  • Top colleges by mid-career pay
  • What companies employ the most computer science graduates
  • The roles of computer science graduates
  • Most popular computer science programs
  • Where employees at Google, Apple, Amazon, and other top technology companies went to college
  • Top-10 computer science rankings

Check out what the data shows below and let us know what you think in the comments! 

Click on image to view at full size.

Infographic What Is The Best College For Computer Science?

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Does the data reflect what you thought? Where did you go to college? And what were the pros and cons of your computer science program (or programs)? What skill do you use every day that you wish you had been taught at school?


By Justin Mares, co-founder of DeveloperReports.com. Follow DeveloperReports on Twitter: @DeveloperReport

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Justin Mares

Justin Mares