Gen2 Feature Update: Trends Improvements, Usability, and More Log Management Features!
Loggly knows that Sys and DevOps teams are busy, so we’ve gone out of our way to simplify their accessing valuable information with a single click. With our improvements from this latest release cycle, we haven’t lost sight on our goal of helping you find the needle in the log management haystack. We’ve released usability improvements site-wide, added new Trends functionality, and based off user feedback incorporated many product refinements to reduce your time-on-task and help you put out fires quickly and efficiently.
The launch of Loggly Gen2 accelerated the cadence of our release cycles and with this Gen2 Feature Update, we’ve focused on usability and customer experience. Here are a few notable features, baked into all versions of the product, also available in our free trial.

We’ve made big improvements to the Trends section since we launched Gen 2 just over two months ago. With every minor release, more and more functionality has been put into Trends to make it as intuitive as possible. Look for these new features:
- Click-through to Events: From both the Trends view and the Dashboard widgets, you’re now able to jump directly to the events that are being visualized with a single click. Have a number of 404 errors on a specific server? Now you can map these visually, click on a segment of a pie chart or bar chart, and jump to the events themselves.
- Timeline Consolidation: We offer three methods for mapping time-based data and have made it even easier to toggle between the states. Statistic, Event Count, and Value Of will allow you to map your numeric field values across the histogram. For Value Of displayed across a long timespans, we’ll show you a sample set of all possible event instances.
- Single Value: Want to see the Sum / Average / Max / Min of a single value from your entire retention period? Under Trends, select single value as a charting option and choose an operator. There are some hidden easter eggs in there, so go have a look.
- Row Reordering: Drag and drop the rows for each of the Timeline facets to reorder one in front of the other. This is helpful when you’re trying to compare two separate values over time.
- Color Picker: For Timeline and Single Value trend types, select what colors you would like to apply to each facet for further distinction between data sets.
Keep an eye on this section of the site, as we’re really pushing forward your ability to render large sets of data with a single click and to export these widgets to your dashboard for quick reference.

Help Bib Videos
The faster you’re caught up on how to use new features, the better. As a result, we’ve redesigned the help bib to feature how-to videos, which you’ll also be able to find on this blog to get a better sense of how Loggly helps you with log management. Look for more videos to come your way soon.
Usability Improvements
With our latest release, we have made it even easier to get to the three main log management views (Events, Grid and Trends) and to navigate through your log data in different ways. We got some great feedback from at AWS re:Invent; we appreciate everyone who gave their candid opinion during our usability sessions. If you ever see a Loggly booth on the conference Expo floor, please do come by and let us know how we can improve.
What’s Next for Cloud-based Log Management?
We’ve got a few other big items in the works, so look for a couple of announcements coming over the next few weeks. As always, you can get started with Loggly for free (without any proprietary agents) and have full access to try out out all the features available to our Pro users.
Happy Logging!
The Loggly and SolarWinds trademarks, service marks, and logos are the exclusive property of SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Nick Cawthon